Worship with Us

Worship at Knox takes place in a friendly atmosphere that strives for a comfortable mix of contemporary and traditional elements. Children are welcome, and are invited forward for a time with the minister before going downstairs for Sunday School.

Our unique building, a Panabode structure of cedar logs, encourages a family atmosphere: it can even feel a bit like camp! There are no pews: we have comfortable chairs that can be moved for a variety of events and adapted for special services. Before worship begins, we invite people to share good news from their lives.

Music is an important part of our worship life! Please visit the music at Knox page to find out more.

All ages are welcome to worship, including babies. Or, if you prefer, nursery care is provided during all our regular services from September through June. Please see the Christian Education page for Nursery and Sunday School information.

Worship services are regularly recorded on CD. If you would like a copy (audio only) please contact the office. (An MP3 file of a recent service can be downloaded here.)

Service Times

From September though June, worship services begin at 10 a.m. unless otherwise noted. In July and August, worship services begin at 9:30 a.m.


Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday in October, November, February, March*, April* and June. *(In the month containing Easter, communion is moved to Maundy Thursday.)

Baptism is celebrated as needed, usually on the second Sunday of the month. Please contact the office
if you wish to discuss baptism for yourself or your child.

Special Services

There are many special worship services through the year. They include:

Children’s Sunday (third Sunday in November) and Youth Sunday (third Sunday in February), inter-generational services with a special guest preacher: “A mysterious green frog”

Youth Sunday also encompasses Baden Powell Sunday and Thinking Day, so members of the Scouting and Guiding movements are encouraged to wear their uniforms on that Sunday in February.

Special Advent Services:

Advent 3: Children’s Musical: the children lead worship with a presentation of musical theatre with a Christmas message.

Advent 4: Lessons and Carols: The story of Christmas is re-told through familiar carols and scripture readings.

Special Christmas Services on December 24th:

Christmas Pageant: 7:00 p.m. This is a Knox tradition: the Youth Group has led this service for well over 30 years!

Candlelight Communion Service: 9:00 p.m. This contemplative service is an ideal way to prepare for Christmas, allowing participants to unwind and enjoy the peace of the season. The service concludes with a hymn sung only by candlelight.

Anniversary Service: The last Sunday in January marks the anniversary of the founding of Knox.

Special Services for the Easter Season:

Palm Sunday: the children are given palm branches, and parade through the church to remind us of the celebration that led Jesus into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday: at 7 p.m. we gather around the communion table to remember the first celebration of communion, as Jesus met with his disciples for their final meal together before his crucifixion.

Good Friday: at 10 a.m. we gather to hear again the events of the day of Jesus’ death, and to contemplate what that means for us.

Outdoor Easter Service: 8 a.m. is not early enough to be a “Sunrise” service, but we meet at the steps of the church to celebrate Christ’s resurrection in the fresh air. Please dress warmly!

Indoor Easter Service: 10 a.m. is a joyful celebration of the resurrection in word and music.

Blessing the Animals: 10 a.m. The last Sunday in June is when we gather on the lawn of the church to ask for God’s blessing on our pets. People are encouraged to bring their dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, or whatever, to be included in the service. Those who wish may bring a photo of their pet instead.

Reverend Andrew Jensen

Andrew was ordained in 1984, and has been serving at Knox since 2004. He brings a background to his ministry that includes experience across denominational lines, as well as work in the automobile industry, sales, martial arts, and highway construction, as well as a year in law school. He believes that this broad base of experience helps him bring a very practical perspective to his preaching.

Andrew enjoys impersonating Kermit the Frog, and lets “Kermit” preach occasionally.

He enjoys contributing musically with his trumpet and by singing, although not at the same time.

Outside of church life, Andrew’s interests include home renovations, participating in community musicals (his biggest role was Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady), and occasional car repair. Andrew has also had over a dozen short stories published in the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Andrew is married to Lori, who is also clergy. They have two adult children: Kiersten and Ian.