Community Garden

A dream has come true after much planning and lots of energetic, hard work! Several years ago, we at Knox imagined a positive way we could reach out and be of assistance to our community. The Knox United Church Community Garden was opened officially on May 29, 2016 with an outdoor dedication ceremony. Planning meetings began in earnest in early 2016; by March, we had a beautiful keyhole garden plan, applications sent to the City of Ottawa and a strong connection to the Community Garden Network via Just Food. The congregation agreed to designate some of the Fenwick bequest funds to the garden so that work could begin in May. With the help of all those listed below, the week-end of May 6-8 proved the expression….many hands make light work. An army of volunteers came and shoveled, hammered, sawed, drilled and levelled!

The result? Twenty gorgeous raised accessible keyhole beds surrounded by white cedar and filled with sand and soil for perfect irrigation. A water tote was added shortly after the official opening, followed closely by two well-ventilated compost bins. In August, the gardeners cheered as the garden shed arrived to house tools, water cans and other equipment. A second water tote is in place now so gardeners can fill their cans from the closest location.

Many organizations were approached as the materials required were assembled. For their generous support we acknowledge the contributions of the following organizations:

The Congregation of Knox United Church

The City of Ottawa Community Garden Network Fund and Just Food

The Seeds of Hope Fund of the United Church Foundation

Barbara and Allan Gravelle

Scouten’s White Cedar

Greely Sand and Gravel

Home Depot (College Square)

Frank’s Baked Goods and Catering

Canadian Tire (Merivale and Hunt Club)

Kodiak Custom Sheds

Without their support and labour, the garden would still be a dream waiting to happen – we sincerely thank:

Members of the 1st Nepean and 23rd Nepean Scouts and Venturers and their families!

Lawrence Pigeon & family

Andrew, Lori and Ian Jensen

Kristen, Keith, Sam and Noah Egli

John, Susie, Candice & Isaac James

Darwin Turner

Chris and Kim Hinds and family

The Kranias family

The Mertes family

Louise Isadore and family

Rick Balson

Bruno Martin

Members of the Leslie Park Community Garden

We have been blessed with the help of these individuals who have been watering, weeding and harvesting our sharing garden:

Members of WAVE (Work and Volunteer Experience) Dovercourt’s program for adults with Autism

Students from the Sir Robert Borden High School Autism Class

Students from the Ottawa Technical Secondary School Autism Program

Delightfully, from our sharing garden and the generosity of our gardeners we have made a number of donations of fresh produce to FAMSAC. In addition, all gardeners contribute volunteer hours (watering, harvesting, etc.) thus enhancing our donation to this important community foodbank.

The Knox United Community Garden is guided by a committee:

From Knox:

Chair Kristen Douglas

Alison Kranias

Jane Thomson

Garden Members:

Doug Heale

Melissa Hahn

Chris Hinds